The Floor
is Lava

Podcast about tech, agile leadership & the future of work.

  • 2018 — 2019

  • Co-Creation, Hosting, Post-Production

  • kreait GmbH

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The Floor is Lava was a podcast production co-created by Christoph Schiewe and Falko Moeller during their tenure at kreait.

We talk about developments that influence our work, our learning and our communication as a society. What new technologies are there and what are they used for? How do organizations need to be structured to act as a breeding ground for innovative concepts? Let’s find out!
— The Floor is Lava

Original Idea and Evolution

Initially, the format aimed to provide a weekly roundup where we would discuss the latest technological news in a casual and informal manner. However, after the success of the first season and some experimentation in 2018, we decided to delve deeper into certain subject matters and invited experts from various fields to contribute to the show in 2019.

The podcast proved to be a popular and informative platform for tech enthusiasts, but unfortunately, we had to discontinue it in April 2019 following Chris' departure from kreait.

Personal Responsibilities and Growth

As co-creator, I held a diverse range of novel responsibilities, including editorial preparation, (co-)hosting of episodes, post-production of the audio recordings, as well as managing the web hosting and publication of new episodes.